Valentine’s: A Dash To Remember

Each year, Under Our Wings hosts a three-part Valentine's event. The event benefits the Houston Area Women's Center, Texas Children's Hospital, Children's Hospital Colorado, and the local hungry community of Houston. With support from sponsors, co-sponsors, and volunteers, we have donated over 6700 Avian Kingdom books to children through this event over the past four years.

"[Avian Kingdom] stories and activities, along with the mascot, provide normalization and a welcome distraction from the hospital setting...[Under Our Wings's] visit especially with celebrity readers encourages children to get out of their rooms and forget that they are in the hospital. Their families also enjoy having these activities as a distraction." -Catherine Zdunkewicz, Texas Children's Hospital-Library Coordinator

Photos: 2017 | 2016 | 20152014

To review this year's event and sponsorship details, see the Valentine’s Event Sponsorship PDF.

Join our annual sponsors in bringing smiles to kids in hospitals and shelters. Explore your sponsorship opportunities below, and help us give them a Valentine’s week to remember!

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    Please contact me for volunteering opportunities


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